Adele Arbi
Sep 7, 2023


Twice in my life I have donated everything I owned, except a small suitcase of a basic wardrobe (not the special things, the basic practical things). I did it to move countries more easily, but thinking back, they have been the best decision ever. They allowed me to reinvent myself not only internally but also externally. As you said, our things define us. And I find it fascinating that my style, my home design and the things I own are completely different in the three countries I have lived. It feels like I have lived three lives, and I really love that. Donate that sweater and allow yourself to discover the future version of you. It will be terrifying but totally worth it. :))))



Adele Arbi

A curious soul pondering and documenting life. Quran Student, Memoirist, Bibliophile, Explorer. 100% of my Medium earnings go to charity.