Adele Arbi
1 min readOct 16, 2023


I am so sorry she is going through the same thing. And the concern is absolutely true. It was difficult for me too, and I used a strategy that helped me make the explanation easier.

I had a side hustle at the time in the same field I work, and made that my full time commitment. I would answer in interviews that I left my job to work on it, so I could move countries. And it worked very well. Maybe your wife has or can start a side hustle that she can use to fill the gap?

Or another example is one of my friends, who took a one-year career break for "personal goals pursuit" and she mentioned that it was well received in interviews.

The world has changed a lot, and career breaks are accepted much easier now. But one thing I didn't do, was say that I quit for this reason. It would make me feel like a victim, and that wasn't the narrative I wanted to tell for myself. Actually, this is the first time I'm sharing this story.

I hope this help and I wish your wife will find a supportive and encouraging workplace very soon. There are many out there, and they are worth the effort of searching for them.



Adele Arbi

A curious soul pondering and documenting life. Quran Student, Memoirist, Bibliophile, Explorer. 100% of my Medium earnings go to charity.